A lot of IPTV or Sattellite TV players only support linking to a single file or URL as a TV Guide. Which poses a problem when you’re watching channels from different countries. Some players do offer importing different TV Guides, but as you are downloading all these different guides from different countries, it takes a long time to update, or your software could even crash. Also, in every TV Guide you will only be using a couple of channels, while you are downloading the complete country guide each time…

We wanted to solve that problem…

Crazy EPG Web will ‘construct’ a file created from our free EPG Guides (2 days of guide)
Let’s you choose which countries interest you. Let’s you choose which TV Channels for those countries you would like to select. And will create a perfect, small, tidy TV Guide, just the way you like it…

We also included the option to store your saved config on our server, so you can always load or save it (Upload Config).
When you log in your stored config will automatically be loaded. If you messed around but don’t want to save, just hit Load Config and you will re-load your stored config from our server and all your changes will be gone. If you do want to save, and are sure of the changes you made, hit Upload Config and your new config will be saved, stored, uploaded.

Ever since our Crazy EPG 0.8 “NextGen”, we started to create a “personal EPG link” for all users.. This is web link created especially for you containing your personal special little file. After configuring what channels you want and uploading your config, you can start using that URL anywhere you want to point to your personal TV guide…. Each day at 18:00 CET we will start generating all guides and we will do this daily for you, and provide it to you on an easy accessible internet link. ALL FOR FREE!! Be aware that if you are a new free user, you would have to wait until the first time it’s 18:00 for a first file to be created. If you were a donator you wouldn’t have that problem, as all configurations that donators upload get instantly processed every time (instantly is between 1 and 15 minutes, depending on the checking interval and how busy queues are)

If you would choose to donate, we will process your file each day with the highest priority, will let you choose 1000 channels and not 400 like FREE users, and will assemble your EPG file with the longest retention possible, so with the most days of EPG Guide, read more about it in Our Mission section.

What changed? See our Changelog

Purpose & Introduction:
Crazy EPG Web will combine different country EPG Guides into a single EPG guide with your own chosen channels. Registration is FREE and afterwards you can upload your chosen config to get it generated and provided each day on your own personal URL automatically. By donating, you can select 1000 channels instead of 400 / you get up to 7 days of guide instead of 2 / your file gets high-priority processing. Each donation will activate this high priority mode for the next 31 days. Recurring donations will keep it going (forever).

We are a non-profit organization so the program works just fine without donating.
We want to be clear donating is not necessary for the program to work.
If you would choose to donate we already wish to thank you right now.
We have some great future plans with the donated money to provide an even better service.

Basic Usage:
After logging in the list of “Countries” will automatically populate. By checking a country in the box in front of the country name, ALL of its channels get added to the list of possible channels. (but not checked!) By checking a channel in the box in front of the channel name, you are selecting it or adding it to your selection.
NOTE: Be aware that unchecking a country will also auto-uncheck the channels related to that country.

If you are looking for a certain channel, but don’t know in which guide to look for it, you can use the “Search ALL Channels” button. Look for any channel you wish to find (including wildcard searches using *). A new window will open where you can choose. You can even select multiple channels or all at once.

If at any point you only wish to see the things you have selected, you can check/uncheck the filter check box. If at any point you want to filter or sort a list, do so at the top of the list.

If at any time you are ready making your selection, click the Upload Config button. Automatically your config will be saved and sent to our processing server. The next time it’s 18:00 CET we will generate your personal file and serve it on the link you see we created for you. You see both a .xml.gz link and a .xml link. They are both the same, the .gz one is just smaller and compressed, so try to download that one if possible, if not, take the XML. Notice we only generate your file once a day, so it’s no use to download it every minute, just download it around 22:00 CET once…

When you load your config it’s possible something changed since the last time you used Crazy EPG Web. For example a country can be gone, or a channel could have changed name or so on… After you click Load Config, we will check/compare that config and see if all is still correct and possible. If not, we will mark the problem or error red so you can see what has to be changed.

Every day after 18:00 CET, when we process your file, we make a Log File you can consult yourself. Here you can see how many channels we found for you and the channels you selected. You can find this log file by clicking the View Log button.

You can stay logged in up to 2 hours and after your session will expire. Make sure to save (upload config)!

The Pencils:
Next to each channel you will notice we put a pencil. By clicking the pencil you will open the advanced settings for that channel and what’s on now? By clicking What’s On Now we will load a 2 day version of all shows for that channel from our new small online EPG database. We will automatically detect by Locale what your current time is and find your time zone, and will convert our all GMT show times to your correct time, so normally you should see everything correctly as if you would choose this channel and import it to your TV. We also show you what time zone we detected so you can verify we did it correctly. The current show playing is highlighted in green.

If for some bizarre reason a channel would be off by an hour, or hours or even a day, that could be explained by the guide coming from another time zone than yourself, but still being correct. For example Australia has 3 time zones on the mainland, so if you are east watching a correct tv guide but from the west, all channels could be 2 hours off or so…. Another thing could be that you find the correct guide but in a totally different country, just because that country seems to apparently broadcast that channel as well…those times would be really off!

To fix this we introduced the option to specify a custom time correction, in a format of + or – and 4 digits, so you can shift the channel as you like… let’s say you would like to add 2 hours to the time, you would have to type +0200
You will notice by changing that field all show times in the view will jump in time as well, this is so you can verify if you made the right choice and are happy with the result… don’t forget to save! 🙂

You will also find the option to specify a fake channelid and fake channel name, let me try to explain….
When we create an XML EPG guide for you, we use the ‘normal’ channel id that comes from that guide, in our example we use “BBC1.uk”. When you go on your tv player, you configure it correctly and now it works and you are happy. While configuring you noticed in the list of channels you chose “BBC1.uk”.

If for ANY REASON that tv guide would change, or be deleted, or restructured, whatever, it’s likely in the future that name could change to for example “BBCOne.uk”. This would mean the binding in your tv software is wrong again and needs some changing again… We wanted to solve that… So now you can just make a name for that channel that you like, you can take “BBC1.uk” maybe as a fake channel id and fake name…. and now…..for always, no matter what source file it comes from, you always stick to that fake id and name, and there’s never any re-configuring needed anymore on your tv player…isn’t that great!!!

We encourage all not to immediately start using this feature for multiple reasons:
– It’s a harder load on our servers to convert each file like that.
– Why already give BBC1.uk the fake name of BBC1.uk, that’s useless, you can wait until it happens the first time.
– In our future merge project we will give all channels a unique name ourselves, and stick to that and always generate that, so that also actually does the same + at that point you will have to reconfigure everything once again…
– We will introduce a ‘swap’ channel function so you can swap the source without swapping the fakes, but as long as that doesn’t exist it’s still a very manual and intensive task you will have to repeat anyway because of all changes we keep making 🙂

FREE Vs Donating:
On our website you find download links for each EPG Guide. These general public EPG files contain 2 days of EPG data. When we generate your personal EPG file we use our internal database to “construct” your personal file. So your personal EPG file also contains 2 days of EPG data, but just your own selection so a lot cleaner and faster. We launch all these jobs at 18:00 CET and for our FREE users we have 2 processing queues, so it takes a couple of hours to process everyone. As a FREE user you can choose up to 400 channels we process for you. You can download your file 30x/day but try not to please…

For our donating users, we don’t limit how many days we select from our internal database, we select it all! As long as possible and sometimes up to 7 days of EPG data. We also start processing them at 18:00 each day, but they are a lot less users AND have 16 processing queues just for them. This usually takes less than 15 minutes to process everyone. Donating users can choose up to 1000 channels instead of 400. They can download their file up to 150x/day, but again, try not to….please!

You can tell when your file has been created, or refresh your priority by clicking the Refresh button.
(Crazy EPG Web also refreshed every x minutes anyway, so there is no need to keep clicking it really)
When a new file is created within the last 5 minutes, it will also highlight to show you there has been a fresh file created.

Make sure you are registered, and everything is working fine as a FREE non-donating user. Choose on any page of our website the donation button for PayPal or our Donate by Crypto button. Make sure to use the same e-mail address for Paypal or NowPayments.io as you used for registration. Donate ANY amount, more is always better 🙂

Each donation will activate high priority mode for the next 31 days. Recurring donations will keep it going (forever).

Paypal: You can choose between a single payment or recurring monthly payment, again, recurring is of course better 🙂 Wait a while for Paypal to process it, especially the first time. It could be 10mins or 24hrs, be patient. Each donation will activate your account again for the next month

Crypto: This is still in an early stage. Unlike PayPal we can’t auto-activate your account after donation yet. So send us (each time) a mail so we can add another month to your expiration date. We will try to find a way to automate this.

We still prefer PayPal donations as these run smooth and automatic. The reason why we introduced Crypto was because some countries don’t support PayPal like Turkey, Ecuador and so on….

A free version of this software will always remain available and will be updated regularly. If you want to support us, and would like more features, consider giving a donation.

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