Version 1.2 – Written December 8th 2023 –


Visitors are not allowed to create a login or leave any comments, hence we do not collect or store any comments.


We store each download with its IP address in our database because we need to track how many files a day each user is downloading (remember our 20x/30x/150x a day download limit). We can only achieve this by storing your IP for a while. Each day at midnight CET the database is cleared and we start fresh. So the maximum time we store your IP is 24 hours or less.


Visitors are not allowed to create a login or upload any media or images, hence we do not store any of your media or images.


We found out the PayPal donation button was tracking people because of the PayPal image being loaded from their servers, we moved the image to our servers but kept the link working, so no more tracking…

We used to have a visitor statistics screen where we could see how many people would visit, but we disabled this because it was tracking…

We used to have Google Site Kit enabled so Google could track the progress and visits on our webpage, but we disabled this because it was tracking….

Today we can proudly say we have NO COOKIE POLICY, because WE HAVE NO COOKIES!!
So there is also no pop-up when you access our website, as there’s nothing to confirm…

Embedded content from other websites

There is no embedded content from other websites, see above comment about PayPal…

Who we share your data with

We do not share your data as there is no data!

How long we retain your data

Besides the IP’s we store 24 hours or less to track the number of downloads on a daily basis (see above), there is no data!

What rights you have over your data

You have all rights over your data, keep it safe…be safe…

Where your data is sent

All around the world probably, but not because of us at least…

NOTE that this is the Privacy Policy for our website. We do have registration and keep data for the Crazy EPG application. But that’s only after you download, configure and register Crazy EPG, not on this website… The Privacy Policy for Crazy EPG is explained in the Help/About menu of the application itself.