no longer has an EPG Guide or will no longer host the Crazy EPG Web App anymore. Feel free to come back here from time to time for other great projects or software, as we’ll never stop programming for the good cause.
All donations by PayPal towards for anything related with EPG guides can be stopped as we will focus from now on only on programming freeware software. If you still want to donate for THAT cause, feel free to do so. We only have crypto for the moment and actually prefer to NOT receive crypto, and are hoping we’ll have PayPal back up and running again soon!
We would like to thank all people that have donated in the past, thanks to you guys we could improve a lot of things like bigger and better servers, better hardware to work with, better software to work in and so on… We also would like to thank all people that have contributed to the project by chat or mail or other ways, we couldn’t of done it without you!
Two people have left our team and will be taking care of their new Open-EPG project.
(luckily the 2 best ones are staying here at bevy 🙂 )
With all the upcoming improvements we are sure it’s gonna ROCK by next year.
We’ll leave this message here for a couple of weeks/months so everyone gets informed.
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